Buying a car isn't as simple as looking at the sticker price. Whether you buy the car outright or take out an auto loan, 你仍然需要支付费用, 保险, and maintenance to consider. 的re are a lot of pieces to the car financing puzzle!

So, how much car can you afford? 这是你出现在经销商之前要考虑的事情. 你可以采取一些步骤来回答这个问题,并确保你准备好选择一辆符合你的预算和生活方式的车.

Determine Your Monthly Budget

如果你还没有这样做,现在是计算每月预算的好时机. Add up your income and revenue then subtract all your expenses, including rent or mortgage payments, 公用事业公司, 食物, 服装, 和娱乐. 

一定要为不可预见的开支和那些你可能忘记包括的小事情留一些回旋的余地. Also allow room for savings and investments, when possible.  

If you're the head of a household, 考虑到家庭中每个人的所有成本可能需要更长的时间. 不过,从长远来看,这是一个有用的练习,会给你带来更大的安全感.


Once you've got all your income and expenses down on paper, you'll hopefully see that you have some money leftover. This extra money could go toward your monthly car payment. 

如果你不确定你应该在车上花多少额外的钱,你可以这么做 reach out to a financial coach for some helpful tips. 

Calculate Your Total Loan Costs

的 average monthly payment is $575 for new cars and $430 for used cars. But this isn’t the answer to how much car you can afford. 你的实际汽车贷款由许多因素组成,贷款的所有部分都应该考虑. 


interest rate you get will affect your monthly payment as well as the total amount you will pay over the life of the loan. Interest rates are determined by: 

  • Credit score: 的 higher your score, the lower your rate. 

  • 车辆选择:根据车龄甚至车型的不同,你可能会得到不同的费率. 

  • Term of loan: You will likely pay less interest for a shorter term. 

  • 贷款人:信用合作社可能提供比其他金融机构或经销商更低的利率, so be sure to shop around. 

Down Payment and Origination Fees 

如果你没有首付,你仍然可以申请汽车贷款. 只需要找到 a lender that offers $0 down financing on purchases. 尽量避免发起费、年服务费和任何其他隐藏的费用. 

Use an 汽车 Loan Calculator

At this point, you'll be ready to punch some numbers into an 汽车贷款计算器

You can use the calculator in two ways. 在这两种情况下,您都可以使用期限和利率来查看不同的选项:

  • 计算付款:输入你梦寐以求的汽车的购买价格,并不断调整它,直到计算器显示出你可以支付的月付款.

  • 计算价格:输入你知道你可以负担的月供,看看它会产生什么购买价格.

Factor the Total Cost of Buying a Car

By now you will have a fairly solid idea of how much car you can afford. 但在申请汽车贷款之前,还有一些费用需要记住,包括:

  • 税收和注册费:这些因州而异,所以一定要检查一下你将欠多少钱. 

  • 保险费用:你需要最低限度的责任保险,你可能需要考虑综合保险和其他保护.

  • 煤气费:如果你没有把煤气费算进你的月度预算,那么现在一定要把它算进去.

  • 保养:费用会根据你的车龄和车型而有所不同. Do some research and estimate the costs of ongoing upkeep and repairs.

How Much Car Can You Afford? Let Arbor Financial Help!

算完之后,你应该就能算出你能买得起多少辆车了. But what if you still have questions? Arbor金融信用合作社在这里提供支持和帮助,让您在任何情况下都做好准备.

Before heading out car shopping, 获得汽车贷款的预先批准是一个好主意,这样你就可以享受在停车场评估所有汽车的乐趣,而不必担心你将如何付款. Click below to find out more!


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